Parents & Citizens Association
The Burrendah Primary Parents & Citizens Association Inc. (P&C) is an organisation of the school community open to parents/caregivers, staff and interested members of the community. For up-to-date information on P&C news and events or to get involved, we can be contacted via Facebook - or email -
The P&C encourages community and parental involvement in a variety of school interests, including managing the canteen, the preloved uniform shop, and various events held throughout the year. Parent volunteers are vital to the success of our P&C activities, and all funds raised go to the school.
The P&C has provided substantial funding over the years, regularly supporting the school honour board, purchasing additional library books, and improving resources for our school. In 2023 the P&C have donated $32,786 to the school in the form of Decodable Readers books, additional Wobble Stools, Basketball area improvements, honour board and Timpani Drums for the music room.
We are confident that your children will have a fantastic time at Burrendah Primary and hope you can get involved with us to enhance their school experience.
How do I join the P&C?
Currently the P&C meetings are held from 7.00pm in Week 3 and Week 7 of each term. It only costs $1 to join for the whole year. We extend a warm welcome to you to attend these meetings.
Preloved Uniform Shop
The shop is open twice per term usually before Community Assemblies. Please check the details available on the P&C Board in the Undercover Area for the next opening date. Uniform donations are very welcome and appreciated. The Preloved Uniform shop is located in the Cygnet Block Wet Area.
P&C Committee