
The Year 1 - 6 Music program at Burrendah Primary School is run by a specialist music teacher, with the aim of instilling not only an appreciation of music but also a general understanding of how music works. Aural skills are developed through singing, listening, and movement in order to improve the student's sense of musicianship. Students begin to learn basic music notation in Year 1 and there is an emphasis on tuneful singing in sol fa. The recorder is incorporated into the Year 3 - 6 class music programs along with classroom percussion instruments, with a focus on students developing musical literacy and creating their own music. In 2013 this culminated in the creation of the Burrendah School song. 

Students are given every opportunity to extend themselves and are encouraged to participate in Burrendah's extra-curricular music groups. These include a Senior Choir and Junior Choir, String Orchestra, Year 6 Chamber String Ensemble, Wind Band, and a Recorder Ensemble. The Instrumental Music School Services (IMSS) program also provides an opportunity for extension, allowing a carefully selected number of students to study an instrument and perform at both school and community events. Instruments available to be studied at Burrendah PS are the violin, viola, cello, double bass, guitar, clarinet, flute, percussion, trumpet, and trombone. More information on the IMSS program is available here.

Some Burrendah students receive a placement in the John Curtin College of the Arts Music/Drama Scholarship Program, Rossmoyne Senior High School Specialist Music Scholarship program for Year 7, and a number of our students are also accepted into the Australian Girls’ Choir.

Students have the opportunity to perform at a variety of events throughout the year. These include:

  • The WA Primary Schools Massed Choir Festival at the Perth Concert Hall – this event gives the Burrendah senior choir a broader experience of singing in a larger group to a larger audience. We are very proud of the fact that Burrendah PS students have successfully auditioned as vocal soloists in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. We have also had students chosen to be comperes for this event in 2013, 2014, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022 & 2023.
  • The WA Schools' Junior Orchestra Festival (in partnership with ABODA) – our String Orchestra has consistently performed in this festival since 2011 and have often been awarded Certificates of Excellence.
  • South Metropolitan Public Primary Schools Sing Festival - On selected years our Junior Choir has an opportunity to perform for and sing with other primary schools in the district.
  • The WA Government Schools Music Society (WAGSMS) Crown Theatre Concert Series – our Chamber Strings Ensemble performed in this concert series in 2021, providing our Year 6 students with the opportunity to showcase their talents and to observe what other schools are doing with their music programs.
  • Burrendah Primary Annual Music Concert – In Term 4, all students involved in the Burrendah Music program perform for friends and family in an evening concert. This is an opportunity for students involved in all large ensembles and choirs to perform in a formal setting, demonstrating the excellent standard of achievement in music here at Burrendah PS.
  • IMSS Musical Soiree – All students learning an instrument through the IMSS program perform a musical item in their instrumental groups to an audience of family and friends in an evening concert celebrating student progress and achievement throughout the year.
  • Special School Assemblies – Our music students often provide the entertainment for special school events, such as the ANZAC Day Ceremony and Awards Assemblies.
  • Christmas Carols Performance – On select years, the Junior and Senior Choir perform Christmas carols at the end of the year at Southlands Shopping Centre.


Burrendah School Song - Together

Burrendah School Song Music

National Anthem - Advance Australia Fair