Dress Code


The Burrendah Primary School Board and community support a strict dress code, and there is an expectation that students will wear the school uniform, including a uniform hat.  We believe that the wearing of a school uniform does much to establish a positive tone within our school, and encourages a sense of pride in Burrendah Primary School when groups are visiting other venues.


  • Only approved uniform items may be worn at school other than designated special occasions.
  • Children attending school excursions and activities are expected to wear full school uniform.
  • A hat is required outdoors at all times.
  • All footwear must be secured on the feet. Sandals, shoes and socks, and joggers are acceptable. Other types of footwear can be dangerous and are not appropriate for school activities.
  • Long hair is to be tied back for safety reasons and to prevent the spread of lice.
  • If a child persists in not wearing the school uniform, a letter will be sent home to the parents or guardians of that child.
  • For safety reasons, the wearing of jewellery is discouraged.  Theft, damage, and the risk of injury to the child or other children from earrings, rings are always a concern.  Earrings should be limited to small studs or sleepers.


Approved Burrendah Primary School Uniform:

Boys: Burrendah Primary School polo shirt

           Navy blue shorts or long pants

           School Jacket

           School logo hat   


Girls: Burrendah Primary School polo shirt

          Checked school dress

          Navy blue shorts, skirt, skort or long pants

          School Jacket

          School logo hat   


All uniforms are available from:


30 Kembla Way Willetton WA 6155

Phone: 9270 4669

Email: willetton@uc.nellgray.com.au

Website: www.nellgray.com.au