Sun Protection Policy


Skin damage, including skin cancer, is the result of cumulative exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV) from the sun. UV damage begins to accumulate during childhood and adolescence and is associated with an increased risk of skin cancer later in life. As students and staff are at school during times of peak UV radiation, schools play a major role in providing an environment that minimises exposure and encourages long-term sun protective behaviours.


Our Sun Protection Policy has been developed to ensure that all students, staff, parents and visitors attending Burrendah Primary School are protected from skin damage caused by harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.


This policy is to be implemented when the forecast average monthly UV Index in our area is 3 or above (available from Throughout Western Australia, UV levels reach 3 or above during all school terms. The sun protection practices outlined in this policy will be applied to all school activities, including sports carnivals, excursions and camps. Provisions will be made for students who do not have adequate sun protective clothing or hats and these students will not be excluded from play or physical activity, though activities may be restricted to shaded areas.


Scheduling outdoor activities

  • Where possible, we schedule outdoor activities out of peak UV times.
  • When outdoor activities are scheduled at times when the UV Index is 3 or higher, maximum use is made of shade, sunscreen, hats and long clothing to protect students and staff.


  • We are increasing the provision of shade to ensure that there is adequate shade within the school grounds for students and staff, particularly in areas in high use areas, for example, popular play areas, where children eat lunch, canteen, and outdoor lesson areas.
  • We encourage staff and students to use shaded areas when outside.
  • Students who do not have appropriate hats or sun protective clothing are asked to play in the shade or a suitable area protected from the sun.
  • We ensure that adequate shade is provided at sporting carnivals and outdoor events.
  • Shade provision is considered in plans for future buildings, grounds and playground equipment.


  • We require students and staff to wear a broad-brimmed, bucket or legionnaires style hat whenever they are outside.
  • Students without hats will remain protected from the sun and encouraged to play in shaded areas.


  • Cool, loose-fitting sun protective clothing is included in our school uniform / dress code and sports uniform. It includes shirts with collars, and longer dresses and shorts.
  • Staff and students are required to wear a rash vest or similar top for outdoor swimming/water activities.


  • Sunscreen which is SPF50 or higher and water resistant is available and accessible to all staff and students in classrooms and around the school grounds.
  • Parents are encouraged to support their child to apply sunscreen before they come to school and where appropriate teach their child how to apply it independently.
  • All students are encouraged by staff to apply sunscreen before outside activities, lunch and recess.
  • Reapplication of sunscreen after 2 hours is encouraged during extended outdoor periods.
  • Sunscreen will be stored in a cool place, out of the sun.
  • The occupational safety and health representative will monitor the expiry date of sunscreen and discard when out of date.

Role modelling and occupational health and safety

  • Staff, students and visitors will act as positive role models and demonstrate SunSmart behaviour when attending school by:

    • wearing sun protective clothing
    • applying SPF50 or higher broad-spectrum water-resistant sunscreen
    • wearing a sun protective hat (broad-brimmed, bucket or legionnaires style)
    • using and promoting shade


  • Programs on sun protection are included in the curriculum for all year levels.

Informing the school community

  • Sun protection is communicated to staff, families and visitors via newsletters, social media, assemblies, daily messages, whole school activities, and parent and staff meetings.

Policy monitoring and review

  • The sun protection policy will be made available to staff and parents. Parents are informed of this sun protection policy when they enroll their child/children. All new employees are briefed on the sun protection policy.
  • The policy is monitored regularly and reviewed every three years.

All information and actions articulated in the policy are aligned to the Cancer Council Western Australia. Email: Website: