Good Standing


Our purpose is to provide a positive, welcoming environment in which each child is respected and their right to learn is encouraged and protected. We have an expectation that all students will abide by the Positive Behaviour Support matrix.

What is Good Standing?

Good Standing provides a system which assists in ensuring that our students maintain a satisfactory level of attendance, academic participation and behaviour. Good Standing procedures are a mandatory requirement for all public schools. They are developed to encourage positive student behaviour, reiterate the need to take personal responsibility for our actions and to support children to reach their educational potential.

We maintain Good Standing by:

  • Adhering to the school’s behavioural expectations
  • Maintaining satisfactory attendance and punctuality
  • Adhering to Burrendah Primary School’s Dress Code
  • Adhering to Burrendah Primary School’s Mobile Phone Policy
  • Adhering to Burrendah Primary School’s ICT User Agreement

Loss of Good Standing Guidelines

Good Standing is in two parts based on year level, due to the development of students.

  • K – Year 2: loss of Good Standing for 2 weeks
  • Year 3 – Year 6: loss of Good Standing for 3 weeks

Note if a student does something to warrant the loss of Good Standing while they have already lost Good Standing, the time will start again. The loss of Good Standing is NOT cumulative.

All students begin each year with Good Standing status. At times, students make poor decisions and can lose Good Standing status.

Loss of Good Standing Consequences

Loss of Good Standing will result in serious consideration as to whether a student participates in a range of the activities, including:

  • Class, year or school reward activities
  • Excursions
  • Camp
  • School leadership positions. Loss of Good Standing will mean that students in leadership positions will lose that right for the duration (up to 3 weeks) of the loss of Good Standing. Two instances of loss of Good Standing may result in the permanent loss of the leadership position.
  • Interschool representation
  • Extra-curricular activities

Good Standing can be lost based on both a serious single breach of the expectations or an accumulation of smaller breaches.

Good Standing status can be lost by:

Breach of School’s Behaviour Expectations

Good standing will be lost if:

  • There are 6 or more charting instances in a 5 - week period of time.
  • There are 2 major office referrals in a 5 - week period of time.
  • There is a severe breach of the school expectations which results in a suspension.

Poor Attendance

Good standing will be lost if:

  • A student who falls below 80% attendance over a 5 - week period, with either unexplained or unacceptable reasons may result in the loss of good standing.

Non-Compliance to school Dress Code relating to Student Safety

Good standing will be lost if:

  • There are 3 breaches within a 5 - week period will result in loss of good standing.

Non-Compliance to School Mobile Phone Policy

Good standing will be lost if:

  • There is 1 breach will result in loss of good standing.

Non-Compliance with ICT Acceptable Use Agreement

Good standing will be lost if:

  • There is 1 breach will result in loss of good standing.

Three Tier Continuum of Behaviour Support

The Good Standing Status aligns with the Three Tier Continuum of Behaviour Support as outlined in the Positive Behaviour Support Policy.

Misbehaviour Process

Tier 1 – No Consequence

  • Student respond to teacher’s instructions regarding school’s behavioural expectations.

Tier 2 - In School Withdrawal

  • If the student is demonstrating minor ongoing misbehaviour (Tier 2) they will be withdrawn to Time Out Class.
  • Behaviour reported using Minor & Major Misbehaviour Recording Card which is sent to Time Out Class.
  • Teacher to record behaviour in Integris.

Tier 3 – Detention, Suspension or Exclusion

  • When a student is demonstrating major deliberate misbehaviour (Tier 3) and either does not modify their behaviour or choses to escalate their behaviour, they will be sent to Administration with a Major Behaviour Recording Sheet explaining misbehaviour.
  • An Emergency Support Card (Red Card) may be necessary if the safety of students or staff members are threatened, or if serious damage to equipment/resources is evident. 
  • Administration records major deliberate behaviour (Tier 3) onto Integris and communicates to the student's parent and teacher as needed (this may include an interview with the parent/teacher, phone calls or letters sent home).
  • Consequence of misbehaviour may be detention, suspension or exclusion.
  • Students in detention are supported by administration and will not have contact with other students or participate in classroom/whole school activities (unless otherwise arranged). The student may be counselled by a member of the administration team, chaplain and if appropriate, the school psychologist.
  • It is the principal's responsibility, as site manager, to implement student’s suspension.
  • The principal may recommend to the Director General that a student be excluded from attending the school. Only the Director General may exclude a student.