Health & Physical Education

At Burrendah Primary School our Physical education program is an integral component of our whole school approach in developing physically and mentally healthy students. Programs run by specialist teachers are supported by daily fitness sessions and a variety of events that allow students to engage in both school and inter-school carnivals.

Our junior and senior specialist physical education program forms part of the Health and Physical Education Curriculum and focuses on movement and physical activity standards.

The Pre-primary students are given the opportunity to develop Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) across a range of settings to improve their competence and confidence. They are provided with opportunities to work collaboratively, follow rules and problem solve through games and physical activities.

Students in Years 1 and 2 focus on continuing to develop FMS and explore ways to select and apply simple movement skills. They learn about changes to the body and work co-operatively to learn new skills and solve movement challenges.

Year 3 students continue to build on previous learning and develop greater proficiency across the range of FMS. They develop strategies that support them to achieve physical activity goals.

The Year 4 and 5 curriculum builds on student’s knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their health, wellbeing, safety and participation in physical activity. Students develop greater proficiency across a range of fundamental movement skills, minor games and sports. Opportunities are provided for students to develop a range of personal and social skills through movements, such as leadership, communication, collaboration, problem solving, persistence and decision making.

The Year 6 curriculum further develops a wide range of FMS in more complex movement patterns and situations. Students apply their understanding of movement strategies and concepts when participating in games and sport at a school and inter-school level. They learn how to apply rules fairly and behave ethically when participating in a range of physical activities. Students learn to effectively communicate, and problem solve in teams in movement settings.

As well as providing our students with opportunities to perform and enhance their skills in a sense of events, inter-school competition allows them to develop a sense of school pride. The events are often supported by community organizations and offer links for our students to increase their participation in physical activity at school and in the future.

 Events and Competitions

  • In School Swimming Program and School Faction Swimming Carnival (Year 1-6)
  • Interschool Summer and Winter Carnivals (Year 4-6)
  • Eagles Cup (Years 5 & 6)
  • Athletics Carnivals- Junior (Pre-primary -Year 2); Senior (Year 3-6)
  • All students from Pre-primary to Year 6 participate in a nine-lesson dance program culminating in a community performance.
  • Several classes collaborate with Willetton Senior High School Year 12 Physical Education Studies students in a skill coaching module.

Sporting Schools Program

 The Sporting Schools program encourages students to increase their physical activity levels and improve their physical skills. It provides opportunities for students in Years 1-6 to participate in free sports and other structured physical activities, in a fun safe and inclusive environment.  Access to the Sporting Schools Program is through a grant process.