Positive Behaviour Support

At Burrendah Primary school our PBS program is an integral component of our whole school approach in developing the whole child. The aims of the program are consistent with those of the Australian Curriculum.

Students’ inherent qualities/strengths/challenges are influenced and brought together in the whole-school environment. This environment includes the home, class, whole school community and wider community.


  • Students participate in PBS lessons led by classroom and specialist teachers.
  • All classrooms and blocks display the school’s four Expectations (4R’s) and Behaviour Matrix.
  • Teaching, non-teaching and administration staff refer to these when presented with behavioural learning opportunities.
  • Students receive GROW awards and receive feedback in the form of PBS language taken from the matrix. These awards are taken home so parents and carers can share in the growth together.
  • Students’ GROW awards contribute to faction points, and the overall leading faction at the close of the Term is rewarded with an End of Term Reward.

Behaviour Matrix

The whole-school community played a role in developing our school’s Behaviour Matrix. Each one of the Behaviour Expectations forms a PBS lesson, providing students, staff, and parents with a language and culture to GROW the Burrendah way.

 For a copy of the PBS Matrix, please click HERE

 For a copy of a summary of the PBS lesson order, please click HERE

 Our 4 R's

Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Reach make up our four Expectations. Under these 4R’s are the school’s Behaviour Expectations. The locations we expect to see these behaviours are Everywhere/every time, Inside and Outside.

PBS at Burrendah is who we are. Students and staff are actively involved in learning experiences. Parents and members of the community have the opportunity to experience PBS every day when they look for opportunities to promote positive behaviour. PBS at Burrendah is about continued learning and development.