Class Placement Policy


Burrendah PS has a procedure in place for allocating students to classes each year. In making a decision, our Leadership Team and teaching staff will make a professional judgment that acknowledges the overall academic, social, emotional, psychological and physical well-being of every student. Although class placements can be a sensitive issue, the interests of all children are paramount to the decisions made by the school. The Principal is responsible for the final decision on class structures and student placement.


  • Ensure equitable outcomes for all students
  • Provide a clear framework to be applied by the Leadership Team and teaching staff for class placements of


  • Provide parent/guardians with information on the procedure and where appropriate opportunities for input to the process

School Commitment: The School commits to supporting the Class Placement Policy by:

  • Using informed professional judgement when deciding class placements; and
  • Considering all available information, to assist the process

Parent/Guardian Commitment: Parent/guardians commit to supporting the school’s Class Placement Policy by:

  • Supporting and accepting decisions made by the School; and
  • Being positive with their child about the class placement decision that has been made

During the Year Restructure:

Under exceptional circumstances the Principal may reorganise classes during the course of the year. This restructure would normally occur at the commencement of a new term.

Factors influencing class structures are:

  • The educational needs of the students
  • The projected number of students in each year level
  • The number of spilt year levels throughout the school
  • Projected enrolments during the year based on past trends
  • The number of teachers employed at school; and
  • The constraints of resources and facilities

Factors which are considered in the placement of students include:

  • The placement of students identified with special needs
  • Academic performance
  • Work habits, such as ability to work independently
  • Behaviour
  • Gender, siblings, twins, EAL/D
  • Social network
  • Social maturity
  • Historical data, such as previous split year level class

Additional information:

  1. Parent/guardian input regarding class placement will only be considered if they meet the factors listed above. Whilst parent/guardian input is considered, this does not guarantee a request for a child’s class placement from parent/guardians can be met. Parents/guardians must understand their child is part of a complex equation in school placements.
  2. Every effort will be made not to exceed DoE recommendations regarding class sizes
  3. Enrolments throughout the year will be placed where there are vacancies and after consultation with the Leadership Team.
  4. The Principal will invite parents/guardians to submit in writing their request for their child’s class placement early November through Connect and the school newsletter.  Parent/guardian input needs to be provided by the date requested.  The Principal will provide a written response to parent/guardian input by the end of the school year.  The Principal makes the final decision on class structures and class placement.


Based on the factors above, teaching staff and the Leadership Team meet mid Term 4 to establish classes for the following school year. An opportunity for parent input is provided. Teachers of the current year level cohort discuss class placement. Specialists teachers and the Leadership Team review all year level cohort recommendations. Class placements are submitted to the Principal for final ratification. Class lists will be made available no later than the first day of the student’s school year.