Parent Class Representative

What is a Parent Class Representative?

The Parent Class Representative (the Class Rep) is an informal role but important role, providing a communication link between the classroom teacher and parents. They also help to foster collaboration between the classroom parents.  

How it Works

At the start of each school year, the classroom teacher will ask for a parent to nominate as the Class Rep for the year, usually during the parent welcome meeting.

Role of the Parent Class Representative

  • Sends important reminders to parents about P&C events and other key activities, making it easier for busy parents to stay informed.
  • Assists the teacher in seeking parent helpers for activities and excursions, if required. 
  • Encourage parents to get involved with school and P&C activities in some way, however small, throughout the year.

Time Commitment

Class Reps do not have to carry the entire load. Their role is to encourage all parents to get involved and oversee their classroom communication. 

Classroom WhatsApp Group Initiative

We recommend each Class Rep sets up a Classroom WhatsApp Group for their parents, and that the class parents join it. It provides a popular, easy and effective way for the Class Rep and parents to communicate.

During the welcome meeting, the class teacher will provide parents with information on participating in the WhatsApp Group. The teacher will also provide the Class Rep with an information sheet, prepared by the P&C, on how to set up and manage the WhatsApp group.

The P&C support this initiative. All Class Reps are invited to join the P&C’s Parent Representative Support Group (also a WhatsApp group). It provides a platform for Class Reps to seek assistance with questions from their parents, and it provides the latest updates and reminders for activities.

Important notes:

  • The WhatsApp group is not intended to replace the School’s Connect system or any other established communication methods. Instead, it enhances them by providing friendly reminders and updates.
  • The WhatsApp group must adhere to the Parent WhatsApp Group – Code of Conduct to ensure a positive and productive environment. The Code of Conduct includes guidelines on respectful communication, confidentiality, and inclusivity. Please click here for a copy of the Code of Conduct.

P&C Activities

While all parents are welcome and encouraged to be involved in the P&C, as the Class Rep there is no requirement to do so.

Extra Things You Can Do as Class Rep

As Class Rep, here are some extra things you might like to consider doing (all optional):

  • Have regular informal chats with the teacher to show continued support.
  • Pass on to the P&C any fundraising ideas and suggestions from parents on how funds could be spent.
  • Help parents within your class to network, which is particularly important when new families start at the school.
  • Plan social activities, such as coffee mornings, dinners, play dates (after school, on weekends or during the holidays).
  • Collect contributions and organise a group “end of year thank you” gift for the classroom teacher.


If you are interested in being a Parent Class Representative for your classroom, reach out to your class teacher or P&C for more information,